Effect of Biocide Compounds Biofly and Metarril on Three Phytophagous Mites, Tetranychus urticae Koch; Brevipalpus californicus (Banks); Panonychus ulmi (Koch) on Apple Trees Under Field Conditions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Fruit Acarology Research Department, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural research Center, Giza, Egypt.

2 Department of Agriculture, Zoology and Nematology, Faculty of Agriculture,Al- Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.


Utilizing of bio-compound Biofly (Beauveria bassiana (Bals. -Criv.)) and Metarril (Metarlizium anisopliae (Metchnikoff)) against three phytophagous mites Tetranychus urticae Koch; Brevipalpus californicus (Banks); Panonychus ulmi (Koch) on apple trees under field conditions were conducted in Qalubia governorate. The obtained results showed that, the efficacy of tested compounds were varied according mites and fungus species namely, in case of T. urticae the reduction percentage reached to 95.1 % and 84.55% after applying with Biofly (Beauveria bassiana) and Metarril (Metarlizium anisopliae), in 10th 3rd Sept., resp.   while, the strongest reduction recorded 74.75% on 24th Sept. and 96.9% on 10th Sept., in case of B. californicus.  after sprayed with Biofly (Beauveria bassiana) and Metarril (Metarlizium anisopliae) respectively. On the other hand, the population of P. ulmi was affected with the mentioned biocides whereas reduction percentages were 77. 7 % on 24thSept., and 86.54% on 3rd Sept.,After sprayed with Biofly (Beauveria bassiana) and Metarril (Metarlizium anisopliae) respectively.
