Joint Action of Neem and Metarhizium acridum on Immature Adults of Desert Locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal)

Document Type : Original Article


Locust and Grasshoppers Research Dept., Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Centre, Egypt


The efficacy of Neem, Metarhizium acridum,and their mixture on immature adults of Schistocerca gregaria were tested.  Neem when applied at a tenth of recommended dose mixed with M. acridum, caused a significant increase to M. acridum efficacy where the mortality reached 96.6 % while mortality of M. acridum alone reached 76.6 %, after 14 days post-treatment, mortality of due to Neem alone reached to 26.6%. M. acridum, and Neem mixture caused significant reduction of trehalse activity at 2, 4, 6 days post-treatment, while same treatment caused a significant increase in lactate dehydrogenase activity at day 2 post-treatment then this activity was reduced significantly at days 4, and 6 post-treatment.
