Impact of Sowing Dates and The Control on Sap-Sucking Pests in Pepper Plant (Capsicum annuam L) Under Field Conditions at Qalubiya Governorate, Egypt.

Document Type : Original Article


Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI), Agriculture Research Center (ARC), Dokki 12618, Giza, Egypt.


Different strategies have to be involved in keeping the pest in check and stabilizing the productivity of the cropping system. Date of planting is one of the crop habitat diversifications that are to be looked into, to minimize the incidence of pests on pepper crop so that its yield can be enhanced. The present study was conducted to observe the activity of pests of pepper crops using variety khayrat at Qaha village, Qalyoubia Governorate during two successive seasons, 2018 and 2019. which was based on a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four sowing dates, i.e. on April, 1st; April, 20th; May, 10th, and May, 30th and replicated thrice. The observation of pests was recorded at weekly intervals from the first week of transplanting up to maturity. The results showed that the obtained data in the two studied seasons and their statistical analysis showed clearly that planting pepper plants in the earliest planting date (April, 1st) escaped significantly from the infestation of Bemisia tabaci, Myzus persicae and Tetranychus urticae. The second experiment was conducted during 2019 seasons to evaluate the efficiency of nine pesticide and plants extract oils on reducing the population density of whiteflynymphs (Bemisia tabaci (Genn.))andAphidsindividuals(Myzus persicae Sulzer )on pepper plants the results indicated that the comparing the mean reduction percentages in the population of  B. tabaci nymph after applications of nine compounds it is clear that Actara WG 25% was the most potent one as a mean of reduction was 88.5% and 92.5% in the first and second spray, can be arranged in descending orders as follows:  Agri Flex SC 18.56%, SAFOIL., Thyme oil, KZ oil EC 95%., closer SC24%., Black pepper oil and Cumin oil. According to the general mean percentage of reduction in the population of M. persicae individualsmain pepper plants after applications of nine compounds it is clear that closer SC24% was the most potent one as mean of reduction was 92.8% and 95.5% in the first and second spray, can be arranged in descending orders as follows:  Actara WG 25%, KZ oil EC 95%., SAFOIL., Garlic oil, Thyme oil, Agri Flex SC 18.56% and Cumin oil.
